Lycoming County Docket Sheets (2025)

1. Lycoming County > Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts

  • Forms · Civil Courts Online Portal · Pay Prothonotary Fees Online

  • Prothonotary/Clerk of Courts

2. OOR Decisions (Docket Search) - PA Office of Open Records

  • Use this search tool to locate a Docket and OOR documents related to that Docket. If a Final Determination issued by the OOR has been appealed to the courts ...

  • Docket #:

3. Legal Resources - Lycoming Law Association

  • Lycoming County - The home page of the County of Lycoming. Lycoming ... Statewide Docket Sheets - Search for County Criminal, Appellate or Magistrate Judge cases ...

  • View the resources provided by the Lycoming Law Association.

4. CountySuite Courts

5. Docket Searches | Montgomery County, PA - Official Website

  • County Courts · Court Administration; Docket Searches. Docket Searches. Criminal Cases. Criminal Bench Warrant (currently unavailable); Domestic Relations Bench ...

  • P.O. Box 311

6. OOR - Docket Search Results - PA Office of Open Records

  • Timothy Sheets v. Cecil Township Police Department, Request sought police ... Lycoming County District Attorney's Office. Dismissed. Lycoming, Dismissed ...

  • 12/30/2021

7. Lackawanna county court docket sheets phone: Guardianship

  • 50 minutes ago · court common pleas lackawanna county docket docket number cp cr court criminal docket commonwealth pennsylvania aneesah thompson entries ...

8. Court of Common Pleas | Luzerne County, PA

  • Court Calendar · Security Notices · Common Pleas Courts Docket Sheets · Notice of Language Rights · Forms and Related Documents.

  • The Courts are committed to provide dispute and case resolution through legally fair procedures, ensure access to justice for all, promote effective, innovative services, and increase public trust and confidence in the Luzerne County Courts.

9. Clinton County | Courts of Common Pleas | Courts

  • Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets · Pay Traffic Ticket ... Lycoming County, McKean County, Mercer County, Mifflin County, Monroe County ...

10. [PDF] in the united states district court - US Case Law

  • Common Pleas of Lycoming County for the offenses of aggravated ... 15.) 1See Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System Webportal, Appellate Docket Sheets, available.

11. [PDF] court of common pleas of lycoming county - UJS Portal

  • 6 days ago · Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified ...

12. [PDF] January 21, 2017 (Pages 283-410)

  • Jan 6, 2018 · docket sheets of the PACMS, CPCMS and MDJS. The procedure has ... ship, Lycoming County has been extended. Southwest Region: Air Quality ...

13. Montour County Court of Common Pleas

  • Search Court of Common Pleas civil and criminal case records online. Search results include basic case information with links to docket sheets and court ...

  • Montour County Court of Common Pleas in Montour County, Pennsylvania Court Online Resources. Directory of online resources applicable to the Montour County Court of Common Pleas in Montour County, Pennsylvania

14. Lycoming County Court Opinions

  • ... sheets of witnesses, victim medical records; disclosure of bad acts evidence under rule 404(b); motion to preclude evidence of defendant's bad acts ...

  • Browse Lycoming County court opinions.

15. Act of Jun. 3, 1937,P.L. 1333, No. 320 Cl. 25 - PA General Assembly

  • ... sheets and delivered by the judge of election to the county board. The ... Docket. See the appendix to this act for additional information relating to ...

  • 19370320ua

Lycoming County Docket Sheets (2025)


How to find a docket number in PA? ›

The first step you can do to find your Pennsylvania docket number is to check any copies you have of official documents for your case. You may have a copy of the legal complaint, a subpoena from the court, or a motion. These documents usually have the docket number in the top corner to help with filing.

Is the PAeDocket app free? ›

Finding public court information is easier than ever with the launch of PAeDocket - a free app that provides a quick and simple search of court cases or dockets.

How do I look up a civil case in PA? ›

As is the case for most court records, Pennsylvania civil court records may be accessed by: Using the states online resources such as the UJS web portal. By making in-person requests. Sending requests via mail to the courthouse where the record was generated and is maintained.

How to get docket number? ›

The docket number will usually be in one of the upper corners of the first page. Double-check the names to be sure you have the right docket number. A person may be involved in many cases, each with its own case number. Find the docket number by contacting the court clerk where the case is being heard.

Is the case number the same as the docket number? ›

After a case is filed, the court assigns it a docket number, which is the court's case number or tracking number. The docket lists the judge, parties, and the attorneys of record, along with a summary of each document filed in the case, the date when it was filed, and the court case number assigned to the document.

Is there a docket app for PA? ›

PAeDocket 4+

The app allows mobile users to perform quick and easy searches from their devices for publicly accessible cases from magisterial district courts, common pleas courts and appellate courts. The app provides a basic summary of the case, as well as more detailed case information.

What is MyCase app? ›

MyCase is a legal client app that offers practice management, law firm automation, and a client portal to make communication faster and easier for both sides. If you're researching MyCase pros and cons, it's important to consider their flexibility and how they could fit into your firm's current practices.

How do I get a criminal record in PA? ›

Download a PA Access to Criminal History form

Mail the completed form along with money order or certified check, payable to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you have any questions regarding the form, please call 888-783-7972, option 2.

What is the best free website for public records? ›

All Federal court records are available online at, an electronic public access service that is overseen by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. This includes all Federal civil court cases, criminal charges, as well as bankruptcies. In all, there are over 500 million documents on PACER.

Can you look up police reports in PA? ›

The Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System provides public access to criminal court records as digital files or in various physical formats upon request.

Are court records public in PA? ›

Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System provides comprehensive public access to court records online and upon request. Access aggregate numerical data from all courts including caseload statistics, collections information and interactive data dashboards.

What is the meaning of OTN number? ›

OTN Offense Tracking Number The Offense Tracking Number is a unique number assigned by the court to a particular arrest at the time of arraignment.

How to read dockets? ›

A docket usually has four main sections: the caption, general case information, party information, and a list of docket entries. At the top of a docket sheet you'll find the caption: the name of the court, the official title of the case, and the case number.

What is an example of a docket number in PA? ›

Courts assign each case a unique docket number (for example, CP-25-CR-1234567-2020). The format varies by court. This may be the name of an organization or an individual.

What does a case number look like in PA? ›

Courts assign each case a unique docket number (for example, CP-25-CR-1234567-2020). The format varies by court. This may be the name of an organization or an individual. The OTN is a unique number assigned to the court to a particular arrest at the time of arraignment.

What is an OTN number in PA? ›

OTN – Offense Tracking Number. This will be on any of your criminal court paperwork and normally begins with a letter, followed by 6 numbers, a hyphen(-), and a final number.

Can you look up child custody cases in PA? ›

Family cases in Pennsylvania are heard in the Court of Common Pleas. Records of these proceedings are maintained by the Prothonotary's Office of the Court of Common Pleas in each county. Interested persons can visit this office to request a view or copies of available family court records.


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.