1. Machine Learning | CMU
Info for Current MLD Students
Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Machine learning (ML) is a fascinating field of AI research and practice, where computer agents improve through experience. Machine learning is about agents improving from data, knowledge, experience and interaction...
2. Machine Learning Department - CMU School of Computer Science
The Joint Ph.D. Program in Machine Learning and Public Policy is a new program for students to gain the skills necessary to develop state-of-the-art machine ...
3. Machine Learning Department (MLD) - CMU School of Computer Science
with For upper-level undergraduate and all-level graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers interested in theoretical computer science and machine ...
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4. PNC/ Machine Learning Joint Program - Neuroscience Institute
A roughly semester-long project to satisfy the PNC first-year research requirement and the first of the MLD speaking skills requirements; A year-long project ...
Joint program between the Program in Neural Computation at the Carnegie Mellon Neuroscience Institute and the Ph.D. in Machine Learning program at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.
5. mldcmu – Machine Learning Blog | ML@CMU | Carnegie Mellon University
The latest news and publications regarding machine learning, artificial intelligence or related, brought to you by the Machine Learning Blog, ...
The latest news and publications regarding machine learning, artificial intelligence or related, brought to you by the Machine Learning Blog, a spinoff of the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
6. ML@CMU - ΑΙhub, Connecting the AI community and the world. - AI Hub
ML@CMU. website | @mldcmu |. The Carnegie Mellon University Machine Learning (CMU ML) Blog provides an accessible, general-audience medium for CMU researchers ...
The Carnegie Mellon University Machine Learning (CMU ML) Blog provides an accessible, general-audience medium for CMU researchers to communicate research findings, perspectives on the field of machine learning, and various updates, both to experts and the general audience. Posts are written by students, postdocs, and faculty at CMU. Posts on a variety of machine learning topics studied at CMU will appear approximately bi-weekly.
7. 10-301 + 10-601, Spring 2024 - CMU School of Computer Science
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10-301 + 10-601, Spring 2024 Course Homepage
8. Zachary Lipton | Associate Professor, Machine Learning, CMU
Welcome to my website. I am currently an Associate Professor of Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). I hold appointments in the Machine ...
Associate Professor, Machine Learning, CMU
9. Aviral Kumar
... (MLD) departments at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Fall 2024. Prospective PhD students [New]. If you are interested in joining my group and working ...
10. Zico Kolter
... Carnegie Mellon University. In addition to my full-time role at CMU, I also serve as Chief Scientist of AI Research for the Bosch Center for AI (BCAI) ...
Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University